News & Events
Events, Dates and Celebrations for your diary for 2018!
News & Events
Events, Dates and Celebrations for your diary for 2018
Tuesday 23rd January - 2 Year Room and Preschool Room parents evening.
Wednesday 24th January - Baby Room parents evening.
Monday 12th February -> Friday 16th February - FEBRUARY HALF TERM for funded children.
Wednesday 28th March - Easter stay and play!
Thursday 29th March -> Friday 13th April - EASTER HALF TERM for funded children (Fri 30th March + Mon 2nd April nursery closed).
Monday 7th May - Nursery Closed - bank holiday.
Tuesday 17th April - Baby signing, music + movement - stay and play 9:30am - 11:30am.
Friday 4th May - Magical Maths stay and play 2:00pm - 4:00pm.
Tuesday 8th May - Baby Room, Toads Room + 2 Year Room parents evening.
Monday 28th May - Nursery Closed - bank holiday.
Tuesday 29th May -> Friday 1st June - MAY HALF TERM for funded children.
Friday 8th June - Preschool parents afternoon (Transitioning to school).
Friday 22nd June - Tadpoles, Toads + Moles - stay and play active session!
Friday 29th June - Sports day 2:00pm - 4:00pm (Preschool only).
Saturday 14th July - Summer Fayre 10:00am - 2:00pm.
Monday 9th July -> Friday 13th July - Careers Week (Preschool only).
Friday 20th July - Graduation for school leavers - 9:30am.
Tuesday 24th July - End of summer term.
Please note that we are closed on bank holidays - you will not be charged for these days.